Books & Publications
The Healthy Divorce
Keys to Ending Your Marriage While Preserving Your Emotional Well-Being
$14.95 at Amazon.com
The Healthy Divorce is a blueprint for a sane and civilized divorce providing couples with the tools to manage their volatile and painful interactions, negotiate rather than escalate their conflicts, and focus on the long term good of the post-divorce family. It helps parents focus on the needs of their children and bring closure to their marriage with dignity and respect for the good parts.
"Required reading for anyone contemplating divorce." Publisher's Weekly
Articles published on Mediate.com. Excerpted from Between Love And Hate: A Guide To Civilized Divorce By Lois Gold, M.S.W. (Penguin USA 1996)
Getting Ready To Negotiate
Accessing Your Resources As A Negotiator
Tips For Naive Negotiators: How to improve your chances of getting what you want
Other Publications:
- Gold, L. "Mediation and the Culture of Healing," in Bowling, D., and Hoffman, D., ed. Bringing Peace into the Room. Jossey-Bass: 2003.
- Gold, L. "Mediation of Couple and Family Disputes," in Kruk, E., ed.
Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Social Work and the Human Services. Nelson-Hall: 1996.
- Gold, L."Influencing Unconscious Influences: The Healing Dimension of Mediation," Mediation Quarterly, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Winter 1994.
- Gold, L."Reframing, Reframing, Reframing: A Mediator's Debt to Virginia Satir", NLP-Anchor Point Magazine, Franktown, CO: Cahill Mountain Press, June 1993.
- Gold, L. "Mediation Familiale aux Etats-Unis," in Dictionnaire Clinique des Therapies Familiales Systemiques. Benoit, J.C., and Malarewicz, J.A., M.D., (Eds.), Les Editions ESF, Paris: 1988.
- Gold, L. "Lawyer and Therapist Team Mediation," in Milne A., Folberg, J. (Eds.), Divorce Mediation: Theory and Practice, NY: Guildford Press, 1988.
- Gold, L. "Reflections on the Transition from Therapist to Mediator," Mediation Quarterly, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Sept. 1985.
- Gold, L. "Interdisciplinary Team Mediation," Mediation Quarterly, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Dec.1984.
- Gold, L. "The Psychological Context of the Interdisciplinary Co-Mediation Team Model in Marital Dissolution," Conciliation Courts Review, No. 20, 1982.
- Gold, L. "Mediation in the Dissolution of Marriage," Arbitration Journal, No.36, 1981.
- Gold, L. Bridging Differences: A Couple's Guide to Resolving Conflict. Book in progress.